All Known Versions- Fullscreen DVD |
All Known Versions- Widescreen DVD |
All Known Versions- Bluray |
All Known Versions- UltraHD Bluray1 |
Fullscreen Version | ||||
Widescreen Version | ||||
The Making of
8 Mile (10 mins) |
Rap Battles1 (24 mins) |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Music Video1 (5 mins) |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
The Music of 8 Mile | 3 |
3 |
Production Notes (Text Notes) |
Cast and Crew Bios | ||||
All Known Versions- Fullscreen DVD |
All Known Versions- Widescreen DVD |
All Known Versions- Bluray |
All Known Versions- UltraHD Bluray1 |
1- This release also comes with a Bluray disc with all the same features found on that release.
2- Some DVD versions censor these features. Those that do not, list the features as "Uncensored."
3- This feature consists of a few text pages and direct access to specific songs in the film. The non-text content would obviously be present on all releases but only accessible via this method using this feature.
All Known Versions- Bluray |
HD audio/video and most of the special features (which are uncensored). |
All Known Versions- Bluray |
All Known Versions- Widescreen DVD |
The Bluray for the HD video and a DVD release to fill in additional music feature and production notes. |
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LAST UPDATED 12/27/2022