The Greatest Showman (2017)
All Known Versions- DVD |
All Known Versions- Bluray |
All Known Versions- UltraHD Bluray1 |
Audio Commentary (105 mins) |
Sing Along Mode (105 mins) |
The Family Behind The Greatest Showman (14 mins) |
The Songs (70 mins) |
The Spectacle (32 mins) |
Music Machine2 (56 mins) |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Trailers (5 mins) |
Still Galleries (39 mins) |
All Known Versions- DVD |
All Known Versions- Bluray |
All Known Versions- UltraHD Bluray1 |
1- This release also comes with a Bluray disc with all the same features found on that release.
2- This feature allows direct access to the songs with a subtitle lyric option.
All Known Versions- Bluray |
This release includes a complete set of features. |
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LAST UPDATED 04/11/2018