Date Night (2010)
All Known Versions- DVD |
All Known Versions- Bluray |
Theatrical Version (88 mins) |
Extended Version (102 mins) |
Audio Commentary (88 mins) |
Alt City (2 mins) |
Directing 301 Featurette (22 mins) |
Directing Off Camera (4 mins) |
Gag Reel (6 mins) |
PSAs (2 mins) |
Trailer (2 mins) |
1 |
Deleted and Extended Scenes |
Disaster Dates Featurette |
Steve and Tina Camera Tests (BD-LIVE) |
1 |
Fey vs. Carell: The Ultimate Interview (BD-LIVE) |
1 |
All Known Versions- DVD |
All Known Versions- Bluray |
1- This feature can be accessed from any 20th Century Fox Bluray with BD-Live capabilities.
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