The Alien Saga (2001)
All Known Versions- DVD |
Main Feature1 (119 mins) |
1 |
Camera and Screen Test for Ripley and Alien (20 mins) |
2 |
Alien Featurette: Experience in Terror (7 mins) |
3 |
Aliens Behind The Scenes Featurette aka Aliens: Behind The Scenes (8 mins) |
4 |
Grunts in Space: Aliens Featurette (4 mins) |
James Cameron Profile (3 mins) |
Sigourney Weaver Profile (3 mins) |
Trailers for first four Alien movies | |
All Known Versions- DVD |
1- The main feature also appears on a Bonus Bluray on the Alien Archives Bluray release.
2- This feature also appears on some releases of Alien but appears to be longer on this release.
3- This feature also appears on some releases of Alien.
4- This release also appears on some releases of Aliens.
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LAST UPDATED 05/17/2017